Security Event Viewer Log  Event ID 576
My security event log continues to show multiple audits of event id 576, and event id 528.... Both are logon/privilege issue's.... Selecting the link that identifies the most specific symptoms my system encounter's, takes me to a Windows solution center web page, that describes my exact symptoms, but that states that since I have windows xp home, the page doesn't apply to my system..... And no resolution is offered for xp..... The page does offer a link to go to an xp solution center web page.... Once in the xp solution center support page, I've not been able to find cause, symptoms, or resolution relating to this issue..... It just disappears as if this shouldn't be an issue with windows xp home edition...... The most annoying symptom that my system experiences which is perfectly defined if using windows 2000 and earlier OP's, are performance issue's...... While browsing, creating a word doc, or writing an email, my system will just completely freeze.... I get totally locked out of any commands, and my IP (AOL) states it's (Not Responding)..... These freeze out's can last just a few minutes, or until I get frustrated and do a manual shut down, and restart my pc.... If I happen to be running various programs, they also freeze and once command fuctions are restored they present an error message stating that program is not responding with two options, end now or cancel.... These lock outs correspond with a succesful security audit logged in my security event viewer log, with event ID's 528 & 576.... Although multiple audits of same event id's are recorded in my log, in fact these two event id's fill 80% of my security log, my pc freezes don't appear to happen with each event...... Can anyone help me, please...... SLYoung 5 people need an answerI do too
February 18th, 2010 5:02pm

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